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Showing posts from January, 2020


Once upon a time, London had a media fair that celebrated all the beauty and angsty-ness of engaging and challenging alternative media! What a time to be alive where we are both bombarded with "fake news" (hahha) and able to access media that opens up our brains! Sadly this media fair became no longer and London was once again starved for authentic words! A few mighty Londoners have decided that such a celebration must take place again! Enter in this website introducing the LDN Indie Media Fair! This lovely event will be happening in the Spring of 2020 and applications close on March 21st. Please use the below link to access the application and apply to come join all of us rad folxs! Where: Library Commons, Central Library, London Ontario When: Saturday, April 4th Time: 1pm-4pm Tabling Fees: $25 for a half table, $35 for a full table The LDN Indie Media Fair will be free to attend and will not be something y'all want to miss! Happy applying and se